For normal growth and development, a child needs a daily intake of various substances. Their main source is food, and only a small part is synthesized in the intestines. But how to make a baby eat if he has no appetite. To do this, it is worth finding out the reason, which may be in vitamin deficiency, nervous disorders and other pathological conditions of the body.

Step 1
If the baby refuses to eat, take a blood test for hemoglobin. Its decrease is one of the reasons for the child's lack of appetite. If the diagnosis is confirmed, follow the doctor's prescription, and add foods rich in iron and vitamin C to the crumbs menu, namely liver, meat, eggs, apples, carrots with sour cream, carrot and carrot-apple juice, cabbage. For babies who are breastfed only, adjust your diet and give your baby fresh apple juice every day.
Step 2
To increase hemoglobin and appetite, walk with your child before and after lunch, and do not feed your baby before going outside, and during the walk, do not give any juices or snacks: cookies, buns and pies. Fresh air has a beneficial effect not only on the blood, but also on the nervous system, the disorder of which can also be the cause of a child's reduced appetite.
Step 3
To increase appetite, temper the baby with water, or even better, give him to swim. This sport has a good effect on the nervous system, increases blood circulation, increases the body's resistance to adverse weather factors, and energy costs increase the need for food. Sedentary babies eat much less and develop physically more slowly.
Step 4
Do not force your baby to eat, even the most useful food, but introduce something new into his diet, with an alluring smell and look. Often, a child's lack of appetite is associated with oversaturation of the body with certain substances with a certain chemical composition, i.e. carbohydrates, fats, proteins, less often vitamins and salts. In such cases, the appetite becomes selective. In addition, make each dish interesting in the form of an uncomplicated cartoon character or an ordinary animal. Fantasize to the best of your ability.
Step 5
In the summertime, do not insist on eating, or cut back and make the meal lighter. An increase in ambient temperature often reduces the desire to eat. Include in your diet foods that stimulate your appetite: pickles (small amounts), lemon juice, and other acidic drinks and fruits. Give them half an hour before meals.
Step 6
To maintain a normal child's appetite, maintain a supportive and welcoming environment in the home. Fear, anger, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions can lead to aversion to food.