So the day came when the baby turned a whole year old. Of course, this is still a very early age, but even then the child is able to master several useful skills.

Step 1
The child knows his name and responds to it. Everything that adults do, tries to repeat, and, of course, enjoys it. At this tender age, parents should guide the baby, show what actions please them, smiling at the baby or accompanying his actions with laughter (for example, kicking a ball with the foot). The kid will repeat the action that will give his mom and dad pleasure.
Step 2
At this age, you can begin to teach the child the word "no". He must understand that it is better not to do some actions or deeds (the main thing is not to miss the moment, then it will be much more difficult to explain the word “no” to the kid).
Step 3
At one year old, children already pronounce a couple of two-syllable words. Most likely these are: "dad", "baba" and "mom", sometimes "give" or "yum-yum". Moreover, these words are not just random babbling, kids consciously pronounce them, connecting words with the world around them.
Step 4
At one year old, the child remembers the names of family members, can distinguish relatives from unfamiliar people. But, basically, of course, attention is focused on mom and some adored relative (dad, grandmother or older sister).
Step 5
The kid learns to imitate animals by making similar sounds, for example: "woof-woof" or "meow".
Step 6
The child understands that he is loved, he tries to show his love for loved ones in the same way, kissing and hugging his relatives. To please them, the child can fulfill simple requests - bring or give something.
Step 7
The kid has come to the age when you can learn to drink from a mug (it is advisable, of course, to use a sippy mug).
Step 8
You should keep track of which music the baby likes and which one is annoying, so that it is easier to lull him to sleep.
Step 9
It is worth noting that children are different - some leaf through books every year, looking at pictures for a long time, others show a penchant for drawing, painting sheets of paper with colored pencils, some like educational toys (for example, a pyramid).
Step 10
At one year old, a child likes to repeat everything after his parents, and therefore one should make sure that the baby does not learn anything bad, since it will be very difficult to wean him in the future.