Very often, children ask their parents what adults cannot do, or it cannot be done, then the child has to be refused. But what is the right way to refuse a child, so that he understands, and so as not to hurt his feelings? There are several techniques for how to say the word "no" to a child so that it is heard and accepted.

Step 1
The word “no” should not be overused. The word "no" is an exception word, therefore, with constant pronunciation, it depreciates, loses its meaning. Therefore, try to avoid this word whenever possible. To do this, remove from the child's field of vision all objects that can cause the word "no". It is also better to speak not in a negative way, but rather in an affirmative. For example, instead of: "You can't pull the dog's ears, you can't poke him in the eyes", it is better to say: "Pat the dog on the back, it will be pleasant for her."
Step 2
If the word “no” is said, it must be said once and for all. To prohibit a child only needs that which cannot be permitted to him, otherwise the meaning of the prohibition is lost. For example, if you tell a child not to eat in front of the TV, it becomes a rule that cannot be violated, and it is better if adults also do not. And if today it is impossible, and tomorrow it is possible, then the child is simply lost, does not understand what is possible and what is not.
Step 3
The prohibition must be explained to the child in a language that is understandable to him. You shouldn't just say the word "no", you need to argue why it is impossible. And say the word “no” in a firm, confident tone. If you firmly forbid something, the child will accept this word. Otherwise, if you say the word "no" hesitantly, then he will take it lightly and think that you can convince you.
Step 4
Always praise your child for good behavior. The child should understand that if he behaves well, he makes you happy. In prohibitions, the opinion of all family members should be the same. It is impossible for the father to forbid one thing, and the mother allowed it, then the child will quickly figure out and begin to manipulate. With the help of permission-prohibition systems, you can correct the course of the child's personality development. But it is very important to respect the child's right to his own position, to the presence of interests and hobbies; absolutely everything cannot be forbidden to the child.