Child's Progress

Child's Progress
Child's Progress

The first of September is considered an important event in the life of every child. The day from which a new life begins, a new round in the development of the child. School becomes a new family for him. The adaptation of a child to school takes place in different ways.

Child's progress
Child's progress

Preparatory courses before school have a positive effect on the psyche and mood of the future student. In the first year, the child shows what he is capable of, which type of thinking is more suitable for him. In the first class, no special conclusions should be made. In subsequent classes, one can judge how strong the child is in learning. And whether it is necessary to demand high marks from him.

Gifted children

In every class, there have always been children who succeeded in everything, and they did not care about any topic in mathematics. Nature has endowed them with a high mentality and intellect. Such children always go to school Olympiads. But their classroom behavior matters too. Children who help others and are not proud of their own academic performance are respected by their peers. The other category, which is too keen on their achievements, are called "arrogant" and "cramps".

Learning Lagging Children

Learning-lagging children need extra attention from parents and teachers. First of all, you need to figure out why the child is lagging behind in school. There are many factors that can affect academic performance. One of the most common is family experiences. It can be family quarrels, divorce of parents, jealousy of newborn brothers and sisters. Such factors can even provoke depression and apathy in a child. Parents should monitor their student's progress. For various problems, help your child overcome unpleasant moments. Do lessons together. The very attention that comes from the parents is very important for the child. And it doesn't matter how old your child is. Many parents try to distance themselves from reviewing and supervising lessons when their child reaches high school. But communication with you is just as important for him as it was a couple of years ago. Try to devote time to your child whenever possible. Let him feel your support. If the subjects are too difficult for you, hire a tutor. Your child will appreciate your willingness to help. See a teacher. Talk to find out the reasons for the lagging behind the student. Listen carefully to both sides and make smart choices. A child who feels the love and care of his parents will always meet them. And most importantly - love the child as he is: a humanities student or a mathematician.
