The symptoms of giardiasis include, first of all, unstable stools (constipation alternates with diarrhea, discharge has a yellow tint, contains mucus). Be sure to see your doctor if you notice these symptoms in your child. Your doctor will be able to prescribe qualified treatment for you. Use folk remedies and alternative medicine only in combination with traditional treatment. As a rule, the treatment of giardiasis (in both adults and children) is carried out in three stages.

- - consultation with a gastroenterologist;
- - financial costs of medicines;
Step 1
Follow your diet (step one). It is necessary to exclude from the child's diet foods that enhance the reproduction of lamblia. These include - all products containing carbohydrates (all flour), any sweets (especially chocolate). The baby's daily menu must necessarily include: vegetables, dried fruits, vegetable oil, cereals. These foods, on the other hand, will stop the reproduction of lamblia. It is very difficult to explain to the kid why the older brother is eating a chocolate bar, but he cannot. Therefore, talk to older children so that they do not eat sweets in the presence of the child. Themselves, too, abstain for 1-2 weeks, so you will help your baby to overcome this difficult period without your favorite "chocolates and cookies".
Step 2
Start taking choleretic drugs. Talk to your doctor about which ones are right for your baby. Cholespasmolytics or cholekinetics are usually prescribed. Your doctor will also prescribe a number of antihistamines for you. The first stage of treatment (diet and choleretic intake) lasts approximately one to two weeks, at the discretion of the doctor. Do not neglect medical advice. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to go to an appointment at a polyclinic, contact a paid clinic. No amount of money can be more important than your child's health.
Step 3
Start taking medication (second step). Ornidazole are especially effective in the fight against giardiasis. It is taken for five days, twice a day. The first dose is usually half of the calculated daily dose. In parallel with drug treatment, he continues to take antihistamines. Never choose medication yourself. Even the advice of a pharmacist or a good and experienced acquaintance will not work here. For each child's body, only a doctor can choose the right medicine. When choosing medicines, the duration and neglect of the disease are taken into account. All this can be learned only through a professional examination.
Step 4
After medication treatment, follow a diet again that will strengthen the body's defenses (third stage). It is recommended to take sour-milk products, cereals, baked apples, fruit and vegetable purees, raw vegetables. A decoction of birch buds will also be useful. You can take it for two weeks after the end of the medication. It will contribute to the destruction of the breeding ground for lamblia.