The phenomenon called "indigo children" is not so long ago known to the general public. The child, called "indigo", has incredible talents and a high level of development. They got this name because of the predominance of deep dark blue in their aura. Due to the high load on the mental sphere, such children are rightfully called "special", since they have various difficulties in behavior.

What is known about Indigo adults
If you keep a record from the 70s, i.e. of the period when the phenomenon of "indigo" was discovered, the older generation of the first representatives of this "race" of people was already growing up. But the question arises: why is it still known only about indigo children? Are there adults in nature with this aura color
These unofficial statistics indicate that there are fewer and fewer Indigo adults.
There is anecdotal evidence that only 12% of indigo people are found among young people. And the older the generation, the fewer such people among the representatives of this age.
For example, an indigo adult at the age of 30, there is one in 600 people who do not possess this aura color. And among older people, there are even fewer indigo representatives, in a ratio of 1 to 1000-5000 people.
What is known about Indigo children and adults
What could be the reasons for such a small number of Indigo adults? Several assumptions can be made, but there is no exact confirmation of them today. One version may be more fantastic than the other. From the use of indigo people by various special services to the desire of the most representatives of this group to hide, in order to hide their capabilities from other people.
The reasons for this disappearance of indigo may lie in the peculiarities of the character and behavior of representatives of this subspecies of people. From an early age, an indigo child has a special disposition, distinguished by special sensitivity and emotionality. In situations where it is necessary to follow the rules and norms of behavior, for example, at school, among friends, there is a special desire to be free and independent.
Such manners are often repulsive to those around them, so personal contacts and relationships are usually not built. Many people also do not perceive Indigo children as a special race, but consider them mentally unhealthy.
Experiencing severe stress, many cannot stand it, therefore, according to statistics among children under 10 years of age, 90% of suicides are indigo.
But still, there are indigo among adults, they can be famous musicians, scientists, actors and politicians. There are also those who, despite their peculiarities, were able to adapt to modern living conditions, built their own way of life and found family happiness.
But there are also indigos who have remained lonely, unable to find a life partner who accepts him with such unusual personality traits. With a subtle and hypersensitive nature, they often take painfully the dramas of love relationships.
Perhaps you yourself, without noticing this, are next to the indigo adults and every day have the opportunity to see all the facets of the personality of these unusual people. However, it is also possible that you are one of them. In any case, it is worth trying to focus not on the differences between people, but on what unites us all, regardless of worldview, views, level of consciousness, skin color or aura.