Traditional lullabies nowadays sound very naive, mothers often prefer to turn on a musical mobile so that the child falls asleep as soon as possible. But are these tunes, which were passed on by our ancestors from generation to generation and became part of the national culture, so meaningless?

Lullaby as part of the laying process
Often mothers are faced with the fact that the process of laying the child in the evening takes two hours. The kid begins to have fun, play, spin in the crib. To calm the child before bedtime, mothers resort to different tricks: they give chamomile tea at night, use bath products with special fragrances and extracts. And if the effectiveness of such methods has not been proven, then we can speak with confidence about the sedative effect of lullabies. The mother's voice is familiar to the baby even before the moment of birth, and the monotonous song helps to fall asleep faster. In addition, adherence to a certain order sets the baby up for sleep: calm play, then bathing, lullaby. If you are not lazy and follow the established rule, the child will get used to this way of life and soon will not be able to sing for the night without a song.
In families where routine is followed in everything, including the process of falling asleep, children tend to be more obedient and well-mannered.
Lullaby as a remedy for tears
If you start accustoming your child to lullabies long before he is born, Mom's songs will be invaluable help for him during times of stress. If a pregnant woman feels that the crumb in her belly has "cleared", you need to take a comfortable position and, stroking the belly, hum something unhurried. Later, when a small child is confronted with something unknown, he is easily frightened. It is at such moments that the lullaby, which he has heard more than once in a calm atmosphere, will help him cope with fear. This technique is often used when traveling in a car, walking in crowded places.
It is believed that children to whom mothers sing, learn to speak faster. The fact is that they catch the articulation of certain sounds and remember it.
Lullaby as a conspiracy
Interestingly, in English the word "lullaby" sounds like "lullaby", and, apparently, comes from the old Russian words "lyuli" and "bai", which are often used in traditional tunes for the night. In general, to bay is to tell, but the outdated meaning is to bewitch. Old lullabies, if we exclude from consideration the well-known top, which will grab and drag into the forest, carry a deep meaning. They contain a wish, a message to the child - to be healthy, strong, and kind. Boys were often sung about courage, and girls about women's happiness. Therefore, you can perceive the lullaby not just as a song, but as a conspiracy, a mother's prayer for the well-being of children.