Parenting. The Secret Of Yogis And Yoginis

Parenting. The Secret Of Yogis And Yoginis
Parenting. The Secret Of Yogis And Yoginis

In yoga, it is believed that the greatest luck is to be born into the family of a yoga or yogini. Or, even better, both yoga and yoginis. At the same time, it is emphasized that being the only son of a billionaire is much less happiness! What is the reason for this?

Vospitanie detej. Sekret Jogov i Jogin '
Vospitanie detej. Sekret Jogov i Jogin '

The main thing that guides yoga parents in relation to a child is the principle of freedom. Not to be confused with permissiveness! This is already extreme. And yoga does not accept any extremes.

The other extreme is total control. In a family where this style of upbringing is practiced, every step of the child is monitored, there is no freedom, everything is calculated by the parents in advance. Often for many years to come. In such a situation, the child does not have the slightest chance to show his nature, let alone develop it harmoniously!

Why is the principle of freedom given such importance in the Yogi family? Because people who practice ancient knowledge themselves consider freedom to be the highest value. And the child who was born to them will never be considered their own. They realize that a child is a soul that has come to them, and it already has its own nature. She needs to be helped to reveal the potential that already exists.

Yoga also says that by the fact that the soul was born in your family, it has delegated the authority to direct it to you. Also, our task is to protect the child from committing stupid things, as well as from what can harm him.

In certain situations, it will be necessary to show severity, apply punishment. Yoga parents look at every situation in upbringing from the position of how this or that behavior, this or that act will affect the child's freedom. We should protect the baby, but not impose or order him!

It is important to be able to make friends with the child. To achieve this, it is necessary to be on an equal footing, i.e. respect the position in life and the choice of the child, accept him as he is. If the child shows interest in certain areas, you need to help him to reveal himself in them. Thus, you can find out what the child is talented in, what his soul strives for.

It is not easy to be able to come to an agreement with a child, to become his friend, but it is very important in family relationships.
