Not always, the walls of a family home can fully protect against negative energy. Sometimes people themselves bring things into the house that carry negative energy. Periodically, you need to carry out a ritual of cleansing the house so that life in it is easier and more pleasant.

It is very easy to detect the presence of negative energy. This is evidenced by the unwillingness to be in the house. If you constantly want to run away, spend more time outside the house, if you feel uncomfortable in it, you must have accumulated enough negative energy there. To cleanse and protect housing from various harmful entities, evil eyes and unkind wishes, there is a very effective rite, which is best done in the spring. However, if you feel that there is suddenly a lot of negative energy in your house, the ceremony can be performed at any time of the year.
This ritual must be performed in two stages. First, open all the windows in the apartment and remove the curtains and curtains. Sunlight should illuminate all corners of the apartment or house. If the windows of your home face different directions of the world, carry out this ritual in stages. Examine the illuminated room, if some things in it seem unnecessary, unpleasant, and negative to you, you need to get rid of them immediately. The best thing to do is toss out the things with which you have bad memories at the same time. If such items are not cheap and it is a pity to throw them away, you can donate them to someone. They will bring both benefit and pleasure to the new owners if they are presented from the heart.
Having got rid of all sources of negativity, you can proceed directly to the ritual of purification. For it, you will need a church candle, incense or dried juniper berries, a seven-branch broom (it is best to use pine, spruce or oak) and a glass of holy water.
Open all the doors in the apartment, place a church candle in the center of the largest room. Then take a broom and start sweeping out the negative from the rooms, each room must be bypassed clockwise from the doors. During this cleaning, say the following words “My beloved house! I drive out envy, anger, quarrels and discontent! May peace, love, joy and peace reign within these walls!"
After that, put incense or juniper in a spoon and heat over the candle until a strong aroma comes from it. Holding a spoon in your left hand, go around the entire apartment or house, entering every room except the toilet and bathroom. Then read "Our Father", drink holy water and spray the rest of the room with it.
This ritual creates strong bonds between you and your home. After such a ceremony, it becomes much easier to live in an apartment or house, since they begin to take care of all their tenants, protect them from the evil eye and other negativity.