Zodiac sign Cancer refers to the water element. In order to recognize Cancer among other people, you need to pay attention to external differences, behavior and its priorities.

Step 1
Externally, Cancers can be distinguished by the following parameters. The face of Cancers is large, with protruding superciliary arches and high cheekbones. Eyebrows can grow together on the bridge of the nose, forming a non-fading crease, which gives the face some originality. Usually Cancers have a protruding lower jaw and small, wide-set eyes.
Step 2
Cancers have longer arms and legs in relation to the body, broad shoulders, and the upper torso is more massive than the lower one. The Cancer Woman has either full or very small breasts (medium size excluded).
Step 3
Cancers also behave differently from other signs of the zodiac. Cancer is the most cautious of all signs. The easiest way to distinguish a Cancer from others is to watch how he achieves his goal. When planning his actions, he will try to calculate all possible options, weigh the pros and cons. This allows Cancer to unmistakably achieve success in their affairs.
Step 4
Cancers are not impulsive, sometimes they are subject to sudden mood swings. Cancer can be offended or angry for no apparent reason, and then, having calmed down, forget about everything. Cancer men are often selfish natures who cannot be convinced.
Step 5
Cancer's house is a place where he is calm and comfortable. Cancer can travel even the whole world, but nowhere will he feel so happy as in his own home. Cancer woman loves to equip her home. Cleanliness and tidiness in the house is her main priority.
Step 6
Cancers are people reserved in spending money, thrifty and rather thrifty. Cancer can work in various fields, especially in trade, food industry, real estate, banking. His creative side of personality can manifest itself in professions that are associated with art: design, photography, music, literature.
Step 7
Cancer men are characterized by benevolence, calmness, compliance, politeness, excellent manners. If communication with them is mutually friendly, then they respond with a gallant attitude, and with close people, the male part of this sign shows itself to be gentle and caring. If a Cancer man has a hobby, then he will spend all his free time and money on it.
Step 8
Cancer women are distinguished by increased sensitivity, romance and sentimentality. They are quite touchy because of their impressionability: stern looks, gestures and verbal attacks can seriously injure them.