How To Truly Love A Child

How To Truly Love A Child
How To Truly Love A Child

Table of contents:


What will a person's outlook on life be? This largely determines the amount of parental love received in childhood. Parents often disregard the child's desire to be loved to the extent that the child is willing to accept this love. So, we learn to love children correctly.

How to truly love a child
How to truly love a child


Step 1

We learn to remember our child. This means taking into account his interests when planning any joint business. Limit your freedom if your role as a parent requires it. Remembering a child means acting for his good and nothing else. The child always senses whether he is an important part of your life or is it just a mask. You will not cheat him, even if you “pay off” with expensive gifts and let him do whatever he wants. Be sure that the child will skillfully use all of this, but this will not add to his respect for you.

Step 2

Learning to respect the freedom of the child when the time comes. And it will definitely come. Sooner or later, your baby will say that he is far from small. This will sound utterly absurd to you, but remember yourself how you banged your fist on the table, slammed the door, proving to your parents that you have the right to solve some issues on your own. Give the child the opportunity to decide on their own, give him every chance. Including the chance for error.

Step 3

We learn to support the child in his endeavors. Of course, creative, useful for him. But to decide what is interesting and beneficial to him, leave it to him. Of course, this does not replace your responsibility to protect your child from dangerous adventures, various social traps, bad habits. But in any case, do not allow yourself to make fun of what your child loves and what he believes in.
