Streptococcal infection causes inflammatory diseases in the nose, pharynx, ears, nasopharynx, sometimes it comes to more serious complications, such as pneumonia and sepsis. Often, the infection affects the skin. The causative agent of such infections is hemolytic streptococcus.

Step 1
Most often, children become infected from other children with angina or other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If you find redness in the child's throat, start treatment with penicillin-containing drugs: for children weighing up to 25 kg - 250 mg of the drug 3 times a day, 25-40 kg - 250-500 mg 3 times a day. Take it for a week. Rinse your throat with a furatsilin solution more often, prepare it at the rate of 1 tablet per 500 ml of water. Be sure to give your child vitamins C and group B. If he has a temperature rise above 38 ° C, give the baby paracetamol-containing drugs, at the rate of: at the age of 3 months - 10 mg per day, from 3 to 12 months - 60-120 mg per day, from 1 to 5 years - up to 250 mg, from 6 to 12 years - 250-500 mg per day. For children over 12 years old, give paracetamol 500-1000 mg per day.
Step 2
When streptoderma appears, treatment also begins with penicillin-containing drugs. In any case, do not delay the process and see a doctor. If it is not possible to see a doctor right away, lubricate the affected areas with a solution of brilliant green or methylene blue. At the same time, use injections of gamma globulin drugs, and also start giving your child vitamins A and C in the appropriate age-specific dosages.
Step 3
Traditional medicine offers many effective remedies. For streptoderma, use decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, basil leaves and hazel leaves. For tonsillitis, gargle the child's throat with chamomile tincture, a solution of soda and salt, and also do not forget to give the child tea from mint and rose hips. Eliminate cold drinks from the child's diet, preferably hot broths, but not fatty ones. Give your baby plenty of warm, plentiful drinks. Replace regular tea with herbal tea, instead of sweets, give your child ascorbic acid tablets with glucose. By following these simple rules, you will greatly facilitate the course of the disease.