It is so customary that at all times and among all peoples, the rose is considered the most beautiful flower. No wonder she is called the "queen of flowers". In addition, in some religions, roses are generally a mystical symbol.

According to etiquette, bouquets of roses are a universal image of beauty and love, as well as a sign of deep feelings for a woman on the part of a man. However, the rules of etiquette and the laws of dreams are sometimes different.
Queen of flowers
It is difficult to overestimate the significance of these colors. There is no doubt that roses cannot be compared to any other flower. Roses are a symbol of impeccable perfection, as well as the personification of unearthly greatness and astounding splendor. For example, white roses create an indescribable romantic atmosphere of harmony, grace and luxury. Roses seen in a dream also bring a certain mysterious shade to a person's life. At least that's what white roses are.
Why do white roses dream?
Many interpreters of "flower" dreams refer primarily to their color. Often, white roses seen in a dream are harbingers of resentment and tears. It is worth noting that in reality, the white color of roses personifies innocence, romance and, of course, chastity. After all, it's not for nothing that it is customary for the bride to give a bouquet of white roses! By the way, this is why most dreams in which white roses appear symbolize something immaculate, pure, virgin. It is believed that white roses do not dream of treason. This prerogative is attributed to yellow roses.
White roses in Miller's dream book
American scientist and psychologist Gustav Miller believes that white roses, which actively smell and smell in a girl's dream, portend loyalty on the part of her lover. Some joyful event is not excluded, for example, a wedding.
By the way, Miller is also of the opinion that white roses in a dream are not a symbol of treason, therefore he describes wilted flowers as an omen of a quarrel or parting with a loved one, and not as treason on his part.
To inhale the fragrant aroma of white roses in a dream - to unexpected, light and pure joy! A dream can also end with a wedding, in which a woman cuts white roses with her own hands, making beautiful and neat bouquets of them. Bushes with white roses dream, according to Miller's interpretation, of material prosperity and stability in the family.
Why do white roses dream according to Freud's dream book
An Austrian psychologist named Sigmund Freud is sure that any flowers in a dream, including white roses, personify femininity and everything connected with it. For example, he describes the thorns on the stems of white roses as male genital organs, and to be pricked in a dream with such thorns - to waking conception.
Freud believes that bouquets of these flowers, presented by men in a dream, indicate a sexual attraction on their part. A glade dotted with white roses in a dream can speak of the dreamer's passionate nature. The buds of unopened white roses dream of problems with conceiving a child. Perhaps the dreamer needs to consult a gynecologist or urologist.