A beautiful legend about two halves that used to be one whole, but are now scattered around the world - this is just a myth, however, this does not prevent people from looking for their soul mate in order to create a happy family. But for some reason, some do not manage to meet this half, while others are lucky already at the very beginning of their life. Maybe the first ones are not there and are looking for something wrong? How to meet a soul mate who will be by your side all your life?

Step 1
Think back to all your novels and analyze what worked for you and what didn't. Then take a pen and write down the relationship you think is ideal. After that, draw a portrait of the one you want to see as a life partner and, accordingly, meet in the near future, and also list all the qualities that the man of your dreams should have. All this will help you tune in the right way and program yourself to find happiness - your soul mate.
Step 2
Take care of yourself first. You must be fully prepared to meet your soul mate. Start eating right, leading a healthy lifestyle, and playing sports. If you find that you have extra pounds, get rid of them. If your skin is gray and unhealthy in appearance, go to a beautician. Do not hide your flaws, eliminate them. However, your look should not only be harmonious and pleasant, but the style should be clearly guessed in you. To update your image, it is not necessary to contact a stylist, it is enough to go to the salon to get a new hairstyle and walk with your friends in the shops in search of suitable things for a new wardrobe.
Step 3
Take a closer look at your closest environment - it is possible that the man with whom you can connect life is nearby and there is no need to look for him. Sometimes happiness is very close, and you just need to reach out to meet him. Maybe your work colleague or classmate, a promising young man who recently began to show you signs of attention, and there is one who can be called a "soul mate"? Try to look at your admirer with “different eyes”, trying on him for the role of the future husband.
Step 4
Meet more often with friends, with whom you can go to a club or bar in the evening. Be constantly in public, surrounded by a large number of men. Chat, flirt, but do not forget that you are not looking for an adventure at night, but a relationship for life! In addition, you can independently go to an exhibition in a gallery, to a performance in a theater, or to a concert of your favorite band in a popular club. Your soul mate can meet anywhere, the main thing is not to miss her. But this does not mean at all that you have to constantly and intensely look out for a suitable candidate, no. Relax, enjoy chatting with people, enjoy flirting! Be yourself, and the man of your dreams will definitely appear on the horizon …