Children are very fond of holidays, masquerades, costume balls. Merry pre-holiday chores certainly involve making a fancy dress, and parents have to use all their imagination in order to come up with and sew a costume for a child. After all, every child wants to look unusual, bright, elegant at the holiday!

- There are tons of ideas for a fancy dress, and they are all literally in the air! Try to come up with a costume in which your child would feel like the star of the holiday. It is unlikely that the kid will like to feel like one of a whole crowd of children in similar costumes. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the costumes of Hares, Snowflakes, Bears and Princesses. But the costumes of such characters as Pippi Longstocking, Carlson, Harlequin, Harry Potter can be very appropriate for a New Year's party for children.
- What to sew a costume for a child from? Today on sale you can find a lot of relatively inexpensive, and at the same time, beautiful-looking fabrics that are just perfect for creating a fancy dress. However, you can save money and make a suit from old things. Surely your child has such things that he does not wear (or does not really like to put on, so they are usually "idle" lying around in the closet). The basis for a suit can be easily constructed from an old dress or a trouser suit. The clothes should be slightly modified by removing unnecessary details or adding the necessary elements - you just need to turn on your imagination.
- You cannot do without decor in the process of creating a masquerade image. The decor can be made from almost any available means. For example, shiny jewelry can be made from foil or glass beads, sequins. And large rigid parts can be made from a wire base, trimmed with cloth or cardboard (so that the wire is not so noticeable). The wire will be irreplaceable if you need to make a costume with crinoline, or with wings (to create the image of an Angel, Devil, Butterfly or Bat). And do not forget to consult with your child in the process of making a costume - sometimes children come up with phenomenal ideas. Your child will be happy to take part in sewing a fancy dress, and you will get a lot of positive emotions from spending time together.