What Is Adaptation

What Is Adaptation
What Is Adaptation

Table of contents:


The question of what adaptation is, arises among many parents, whose children are sent to kindergarten for the first time. This phenomenon is an adaptation of the body to the changed environmental conditions of life, accompanied by a number of negative aspects.

What is adaptation
What is adaptation


Step 1

The adaptation of children is quite difficult and, depending on the resistance of immunity to diseases and psychological qualities, it can last up to 6 months. The adaptation process is associated with two aspects - psychological and physiological.

Step 2

The first circumstance largely depends on the child's sociability and type of temperament. Finding himself in unfamiliar conditions for him, staying with strangers apart from his parents, the child feels fear. If the baby loves communication, then he quickly finds a common language with his peers and he likes it in the kindergarten. In the event that the child's connection with the mother is great, trips to the garden will be accompanied by tears and tantrums.

Step 3

Also, adaptation affects the physiological state, since the local defense of the body is reduced, in this regard, children are often sick. Gradually, the body gets used to new conditions for it and begins to resist infections and viruses.

Step 4

There are three types of the course of adaptation, each of which can be determined by means of a special medical technique, where the child's condition is assessed by points. However, the parents themselves can also understand how the child's adaptation goes. Adaptation is considered favorable, during which there are no pronounced neurotic reactions. A conditionally favorable process is called a process during which a child has no more than one cold disease during a month. The psychological state returns to normal within a couple of months. The unfavorable course of adaptation is much more common. In this case, the child is sick longer than attending the garden, may lose weight, and it takes up to three months to stabilize the emotional state.

Step 5

It can be assumed that the child has adapted to the change of environment, when his psychological state becomes stable, he is in a good mood, does not get sick and develops in accordance with age criteria. It should be noted that such a stressful situation for children covers not only the beginning of kindergarten, but also the first grade of school.
