Shyness is one of the difficult social problems that makes a person uncomfortable in communication. To overcome shyness, you need to know what causes it.

According to psychologists, shyness is one of the most common and difficult problems in interpersonal relationships. This is usually a misconception about human relationships.
Shyness concept
There is no single concept of shyness. The English Oxford Dictionary defines a shy person as cautious, distrustful, timid. Such people have difficulty communicating and tend to be alone.
According to Webster, shyness is a state of shyness in the presence of other people. This is a complex condition that manifests itself as mild discomfort, inexplicable fear, and even deep neurosis.
The main symptom of a shy person is self-doubt. A person of this type of character is most afraid of failure. It is difficult for him to make decisions. With many options, he is not sure if he can make the right choice. They tend to question their words and deeds.
The positive features include independence and individuality. Shyness strengthens a person's self-criticism, helps to reduce the vulnerability of an individual.
Causes of shyness
Shyness is more common in school-aged children than in adults as many people have overcome their childhood shyness. However, it can also occur in older people.
It is generally accepted that shyness is the fear of communicating with other people. It arises in the context of emotional contacts. Shyness is a social phenomenon that manifests itself when interacting in society.
The result of the lack of knowledge and understanding of the basic rules of ethics is the problem of the meaning of life and the purpose of a person, due, justice. All this is taught by social ethics - the doctrine of relationships and responsibilities, conditioned by a person's life in society.
Some American scientists consider shyness to be a hereditary trait, while others - acquired in a social environment. Nevertheless, both points of view are partly correct. It is determined by a combination of these factors, but in each individual case, some factor may prevail.
Whatever the negative consequences of shyness, this problem can be dealt with. But to do this, you need to identify the cause, and then develop a suitable program to overcome it.