The appearance of a child and everything related to his growth and upbringing is not only the happiest stage, but a source of stress, confusion in front of new circumstances. Faced with difficulties, parents ask themselves whether they love the child so reverently, as nature intended and proclaimed by society.

Step 1
The ability to feel love for a child depends on several conditions. This is a favorable atmosphere in which you yourself grew up and were brought up, and the absence of conflict situations with your spouse and other family members, and the state of physical and mental health. If any of these circumstances are unfavorable, care must be taken to neutralize or reduce the negative impact on the emotional state.
Step 2
Good emotional well-being requires tactile sensations - hugs, strokes, kisses. Do not neglect the opportunity to once again take the child in your arms, gently hug him. Thus, start and will support the exchange of signs of mutual acceptance, giving and receiving in return warmth and positive emotions.
Step 3
The need for love, for belonging, for being needed by another is one of the fundamental human needs. No one needs you as much as a child in whose life you are the most significant or one of the most significant people. Awareness of this fact can give strength and inspiration, promotes personal growth, helps to realize potential opportunities and abilities. Be grateful to your child for helping you reach your potential.
Step 4
From an early age, a child needs to spend time with him not only in worries, but also to relax, have fun: listen to your favorite music, take walks and travel. In the future, select films and books for joint viewing and reading that will be of interest to both, instill in the child an interest in the hobby. Then the child will become a good companion for spending leisure time, a pleasant companion, a partner in games, which is incredibly valuable.
Step 5
Give yourself the right to make mistakes, do not blame yourself and your child if something went wrong in the relationship. If you cannot cope with problems, try to get help from specialists or more experienced relatives. Forgive mistakes for yourself and your child, do not poison your life with guilt. To paraphrase a well-known aphorism: if you want to be a loving parent, be one.