Love is the strongest and at the same time very fragile feeling. It is still unknown how it originates and, most importantly, from what it dies. Therefore, it is very important to be able to preserve and maintain love between two people.

Step 1
Love is the best thing that can happen to a person. But so far, no one has been able to unequivocally answer the question of how it arises and, most importantly, why it can disappear. Therefore, if you are lucky in love, you need to do your best to maintain this feeling for the longest possible period. To maintain love, it takes the joint desires and efforts of both partners. It is believed that a strong feeling of love rests on three "whales" - respect, interest and admiration.
Step 2
To maintain mutual respect, you need to learn to understand your partner and put yourself in his place. Even if you don’t like something - before you get annoyed, let alone throw claims, try to “try on” the annoying factor on yourself. For example, a doctor's job is endless shifts and urgent calls for a very modest salary. But before reproaching this, think about what spiritual qualities a person possesses who can help people without thinking about reward.
Respect your partner for the originality of judgments, the courage to have and defend your own point of view, originality - because this means that you have a full-fledged personality.
Step 3
Interest is what makes sympathy and then love. The person who once managed to attract your attention clearly could not be an ordinary person. But in order to preserve and maintain the interest that once arose, you need to constantly work on yourself. Learning something new, acquiring skills, you change yourself, forcing your partner to look at you with a "new" look. The only condition is that in order for a couple to maintain mutual interest, both partners should make efforts to improve themselves.
Step 4
Admiration is the basis of mutual desire. To continue to "see" your partner as you did in the early days of the relationship, learn to ignore the little things. But at the same time, you need to be able to maintain in your loved one the desire to always look great for you. Feel free to compliment his appearance, purchased clothes, new haircut. But at the same time, the partner must be sure that he is loved not only for this, and the stain on the shirt will not become the reason for the disappearance of sympathy.