How To Stop A Guy From Lying

How To Stop A Guy From Lying
How To Stop A Guy From Lying

Table of contents:


Some girls are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon: their lovers are lying! And it would be okay to talk about some harmless fantasies. Lies, insincerity concerns such things that are very important for a girl. The guy can swear to her in love, along the way promising that preparations for the wedding are about to begin. And then more and more "good reasons" are found for postponing this event. There can be many situations. How to wean a young man to lie? And is it worth maintaining a relationship with liars at all?

How to wean a guy from lying
How to wean a guy from lying


Step 1

In each case, you should behave differently, depending on many factors: the duration of your romance, the depth and sincerity of feelings for the young man, character, temperament, and, of course, upbringing. There are no universal “recipes” for behavior.

Step 2

Try to understand why the young man lied to you. It is very important! For example, a “curator of a large project” sincerely loves you, values your relationship, but he was either ashamed to admit that he occupies a very modest position, or he was afraid that you would lose interest in him and would not want to meet. So he "promoted" himself in office.

Step 3

In the above case, of course, lying does not honor a man, but there is no particular sin here either. It is best for you to seriously, but kindly explain with your beloved, saying that you were very upset by his insincerity and the fact that he thought so badly of you so that he could imagine that his status plays a decisive role! If he wants your relationship to continue, let him forget about the lies. Then remind him that everything is in his hands. He wants to make a career - for God's sake. Let him make an effort, perseverance.

Step 4

If the guy is again, and even more so repeatedly, caught in insincerity, you should either overpower yourself and break off such a relationship, or resort to a strong, tough, but effective trick: threaten that you will make him laugh in front of mutual friends, acquaintances, colleagues. Let everyone know what a liar and braggart he is. As a rule, this threat is valid. Few young men want to appear in that light.

Step 5

Well, even if this did not help, then you should run away from such a guy! Why do you need a pathological liar? There are enough reliable, honest men in the world, with one of whom you will definitely meet.
