Pregnancy is a serious test for a woman's body. She has a lot of new sensations, which are far from always pleasant. Here are solutions to alleviate the 6 most common mom-to-be problems.

Step 1
How to bend over correctly
After the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby's weight begins to put pressure on the spine, causing back pain. Therefore, it is best if you avoid all bending movements so as not to double the load on your back.
Step 2
How to sleep properly
The ideal sleeping position is to sleep on your side. To distribute the weight evenly, you can put a small pillow between your knees. For those with low back pain and numbness, a pillow can be placed under the side to avoid arching the back.
Step 3
How to stand correctly
It is contraindicated for pregnant women to stand for a long time. this causes fluid and blood to stagnate in the legs, causing swelling and varicose veins. You need to periodically change your position - sit down, substituting a low bench under your feet. This improves blood circulation and relaxes the back.
Step 4
How to sit properly
While sitting, be sure to lean your back against the back of the chair. It is very helpful to place a small pad under your back at the level of the kidneys.
Step 5
How to walk correctly
Hiking is what a pregnant woman needs. It tones the muscles of the legs, preventing varicose veins, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Take a walk in quiet places, not overloaded with transport - in parks, squares. Choose comfortable, flat-soled shoes.
Step 6
How to behave correctly on public transport
Sitting on a train for a long time is harmful, so get up and walk around the carriage from time to time to stimulate blood circulation.
It is better to ride in a tram and bus while sitting, and get up only after a complete stop of transport, so as not to lose balance and fall.
In a car, this is the most convenient option, where you can take a comfortable place, position and even make a stop if you are tired of sitting motionless and stretch your legs.