A sound long sleep is a guarantee of health, well-being and performance. Moreover, this applies not only to adults, but also to babies. Parents often complain that children regularly wake up in their sleep, shudder or scream. What you need to pay attention to in order to recognize: everything is normal or there are some violations.

Human sleep consists of 5 phases:
- the first is the phase of slow sleep, that is, drowsiness;
- the second - the phase of falling asleep, during this period the heartbeat slows down, the muscles relax;
- the third - deepening into sleep, breathing becomes deeper and more even;
- the fourth phase - a deep deep sleep, at this time it is almost impossible to wake a person up. It is during this period that the restoration of strength and energy occurs.
- the fifth phase - the period of REM sleep. At this time, people see vivid dreams, then the easiest way to wake a person is, and the irritant can be the most common: a chair creak, a door slamming, a sound that is too harsh, and so on. Then the first phase begins again.
For an adult, all five phases last about an hour and a half, and for a child no more than an hour, so children wake up more often. The fifth period in babies is about half of all sleep, therefore babies sleep sensitively and often wake up. This is a physiological norm, and not a sleep disorder in an infant, over time he will outgrow it.
You need to start worrying if the child wakes up for no apparent reason two or three times a night, cannot sleep for a long time, is capricious, refuses food and nipples. Such children, even during wakefulness, are prone to drowsiness and are very restless.
Why is this happening? It's all about the behavior of the parents, when the process of falling asleep is associated with some factor: feeding, laying on the arms, lullabies, etc. whether after that he will sleep soundly and carefree. Most likely, in 15-20 minutes the child will wake up and demand a bottle, a song or something else. After returning from the hospital, it is advisable to teach the child to fall asleep in his crib, you can include a lullaby in the recording.
Violation of the regime can also cause insomnia in children: for example, the child slept too long at lunchtime and in the evening, when it’s time to go to bed, he is full of strength and energy. Naturally, it is difficult for him to fall asleep. What to do in this case? Try to put the child to bed earlier in the day, leave him alone with one of the parents in the evening, removing the rest of the family from the children's room.
Also, the reason for the lack of sleep in the baby can be some painful sensations: colic, erupting teeth, sore ears, a small runny nose, etc. in this case, the child must be shown to the pediatrician.
If a child's sleep disorder has acquired a chronic form, then it must be examined in order to exclude life-threatening disorders and diseases.