How Is Pregnancy In Women

How Is Pregnancy In Women
How Is Pregnancy In Women

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The health of the unborn child depends on the characteristics of the course of the main stages of pregnancy, the signs accompanying each stage, as well as on the lifestyle that the woman leads throughout the entire period.

How is pregnancy in women
How is pregnancy in women


Step 1

The main symptom of pregnancy is a delay in the menstrual cycle. During the first trimester, a woman's body undergoes a restructuring associated with a change in hormonal levels, nausea, mood swings, an increase and increased sensitivity of the breast, and fatigue also appear. The appearance of these signs will require a revision of the daily routine, the frequency of meals, as well as the diet. This is due to the fact that during this period there is a change in taste, there may even appear an aversion to some products. In most cases, symptoms resolve as the pregnancy progresses. A woman also needs to register with a gynecologist who will conduct her throughout the entire period, but at the beginning of the term it is especially important that the woman independently monitor her own health, because the health of the unborn child depends on this.

Step 2

In the second trimester, external signs of pregnancy are visible. By this period, the signs of nausea and fatigue disappear. The fetus continues to grow and begins to move in the womb towards the middle of the second trimester. The constant growth of the child and the enlargement of the uterus leads to the formation of the following symptoms: pain in the body, lower back, abdomen, stretch marks on the abdomen, breasts, hips and buttocks, hyperpigmentation of the face, numbness of the hands, swelling of the ankles, face (with rapid progression of edema, you should consult a doctor) … Relief or getting rid of these symptoms is achieved with moderate physical activity, which helps to strengthen the mother's body. It is best to sign up for special courses, where the load necessary for your term will be selected.

Step 3

The third trimester is accompanied by symptoms typical of the second trimester. However, due to the increase in the fetus, there is more pressure on the abdominal organs, shortness of breath appears, the woman begins to take a shower more often for hygiene purposes. The body starts to get tired more, so proper rest is necessary. In order to improve well-being, walking, relieving stress on the pelvic region, and swimming are necessary. Light exercise can also help prepare you for childbirth. Additional signs of this period include the release of colostrum, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, false and real contractions appear. When the last signs appear, the expectant mother needs to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, who, after examining the pregnant woman, will decide on hospitalization or continuing outpatient monitoring.
