The appearance of a baby is a great joy, but often pleasant feelings overshadow the health problems of the child. Small children may sleep restlessly, cry, and make unusual sounds. To help a newborn, it is necessary to identify the cause of the worry.

Why does the child push and groan
Mothers begin to worry if the child is pushing, grunting, while his face turns red. There may be several reasons for this behavior:
- uncomfortable clothes;
- uncomfortable air temperature;
- wet diaper;
- crusts in the nose;
- colic.
Feeling discomfort, the baby instinctively tries to crawl away from the source of unpleasant sensations, pulling the legs to the stomach, trying to attract attention by panting. He may find tight clothing, hard fabrics, and a prickly blanket as an irritating factor. Also, babies are protesting against tight swaddling. There is only one way out - to change the baby's clothes and change the blankets and diapers to softer ones. When washing baby clothes, fabric softeners should be used.

Since the processes of thermoregulation in infants are very poorly developed, the child can push and groan if he is hot or cold. It is easy to determine this, when the child is hot, he turns red, the skin becomes noticeably hot. Freezing, the baby becomes pale, cold to the touch, tightens the legs. If it is not possible to change the air temperature, it is necessary to undress the child, if he is hot and, conversely, add warm clothes to keep him warm.
The reason that the baby is pushing and grunting may be a wet diaper. In this case, it is enough to change the child's clothes.
Even in healthy babies, mucus is constantly secreted from the nose. If the air in the apartment is too dry, the discharge dries up, forming crusts. They interfere with the flow of air, the child begins to push and grunt, trying to get rid of the obstacle. In a dream, babies can make strange sounds: growl, sniff, grumble. Sleep often becomes restless. The crusts must be removed several times a day. In order to reduce their number, you need to monitor the humidity of the air. The hot battery near the baby's crib must be covered with a wet cloth.
If everything is simple with the first points, then colic can become a real problem.

What to do if a child has colic
The exact cause of colic has not yet been clarified. Most often, doctors associate this behavior with imperfect digestive processes in an infant. When a child pushes and grunts, he instinctively tries to free the intestines from the gases that interfere with him. This process can be painful for a child. There are several ways to relieve discomfort.
The safest and most effective way to help your baby get rid of colic.
Massage movements should be soft, smooth. The palm is placed on the baby's belly, the fingers are on the right side of the child's body, then slowly moved clockwise. After completing the semicircle, the palm is moved to the starting point and the movements are repeated. During the massage, the baby often bends, bends, pulls his legs to the stomach, this does not mean that he is in pain.
The massage session lasts about 5 minutes, if the child feels better, you can finish earlier.
Do not massage immediately after eating, the child may vomit.
Laying out on the stomach
This method is used for prevention, if the child is already crying, it will not help. The baby is laid out on his stomach half an hour after eating, if the baby does not want to sleep. Immediately after eating, the newborn must be held upright, waiting for regurgitation. To make the procedure more enjoyable, you can sit next to him, talk, stroke the back.
Gas outlet pipe
It is inserted into the anus of the child, promotes the rapid removal of intestinal gases and feces. Before using, be sure to grease the end of the tube with baby cream. The vent tube is only used in extreme cases, daily use is not recommended.
Important! It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the tube, wash it in warm water with baby soap after each use, and dry it after washing.
Warmed up diaper
One of the oldest ways to fight colic.
A natural fabric diaper is heated with an iron or a central heating battery. The diaper should be warm, never hot. The temperature is tested on the bend of the arm, the sensations should be comfortable. If the diaper feels hot, you should wait until it cools down.
The baby is laid out with his stomach undressed on a heated diaper, or the diaper is placed on his belly when the baby is lying on his back. It is advisable to try both methods to determine which one is more suitable for the baby.
Warm bath
Safe and enjoyable way. Warm water relaxes the baby's muscles, including the abdominal muscles. This indirectly contributes to the relief of colic. In addition, pleasant sensations distract the baby, he calms down faster.
You can make baths with decoctions of chamomile or motherwort, herbs will give an additional sedative effect. Essential oils should be used with caution, many of them can cause allergies or irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.

Medicines for colic
Pharmacies can offer the following types of drugs to help relieve colic pain:
- preparations based on simethicone or dimethicone;
- herbal preparations based on fennel;
- probiotics;
- sorbents;
- enzymes;
- antispasmodics;
- glycerin candles.
Simethicone and Dimethicone act directly on the surface of the intestinal gas bubbles, promoting a more rapid elimination from the intestine. They are used directly during colic; they are not suitable as a prophylactic agent. Some babies may be allergic to fragrances that are included in the preparations.
Herbal teas or tinctures contain natural plant ingredients, based on fennel seeds, which reduce gas formation. It can also contain herbs that have a calming effect, such as chamomile.
Probiotics contain bacteria necessary for proper digestion. It is necessary to use drugs after consulting a doctor.
Sorbents are drugs that bind and promote the removal of toxins from the body. They are usually prescribed after various enteroinfections. It is advisable to consult with a pediatrician about the appropriateness of admission.
Since the baby's digestive system is not fully formed, the doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations to facilitate and speed up the process. It is categorically impossible to give them to a newborn on their own, this can cause irreparable harm to the digestive organs.
Antispasmodics, analgesic drugs, relieve spasm and reduce pain in colic. They are used only in the most severe cases and exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, since all antispasmodics have side effects dangerous for the child.
Glycerin suppositories help to remove feces faster and less painfully. They are used for prolonged constipation. Not suitable for frequent use, as they irritate the mucous membranes. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

When to see a doctor
Most often, the baby squeezes and grunts for physiological reasons. You should consult a doctor if your child has:
- rash;
- temperature above 37 degrees;
- frequent loose stools with an uncharacteristic odor.
If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, it is not necessary to call an ambulance, it is enough to contact your local pediatrician.