In order for the pregnancy to take place under the supervision of competent specialists, it is necessary to register in one of the antenatal clinics or specialized private clinics in a timely manner.

passport, compulsory health insurance policy
Step 1
If you suspect that you are pregnant and the test is positive, be sure to visit your doctor. Do not postpone your visit to the gynecologist. Be especially careful in cases where you experience pain in the lower abdomen, or you have already had unsuccessful attempts to carry a fetus.
Step 2
To get started, contact your gynecologist from the antenatal clinic. After confirming the fact of pregnancy, the doctor will offer you to register. If the specialist directs you for tests and asks you to come back in a couple of weeks, you can challenge this decision. Unfortunately, some gynecologists try to register women later, so that in case of spontaneous abortion, they do not spoil the statistics. In fact, it is illegal. The doctor is obliged to start an exchange card immediately after the expectant mother went to the clinic.
Step 3
To visit a doctor, you will need a passport and a compulsory health insurance policy. If this is your first visit to a certain medical institution, take your pension insurance certificate with you. It can be useful for card design.
Step 4
Remember that, by law, expectant mothers have the right to be observed in any antenatal clinic, and not only in the one to which they are attached. If, for any reason, you want to lead a pregnancy in a medical facility outside your place of residence, you can contact the head physician or the registry and write a statement in the established form. You can also be monitored in one of the specialized private clinics, but for a fee.
Step 5
When visiting a gynecologist, be sure to take gloves, removable shoes or shoe covers, and a disposable diaper with you. Try to remember exactly when the last time you had your period. The doctor will definitely ask you about this.
Step 6
When registering, it is necessary to undergo certain studies. One of the most important is fluorography. If you have a coupon with the latest fluorography results, take it with you. The doctor will be able to immediately paste it into the exchange card.