When a child appears in the family, parents want to do everything possible to protect the baby from all dangers from the outside. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself from everything, and quite often young mothers panic, not knowing how to cope with common childhood diseases. Among them is eczema or neurodermatitis.

Step 1
Avoid some of the foods in your diet that can cause eczema if you are breastfeeding. These can be citrus fruits, eggs, smoked meats, chocolate, etc. Track which product is causing the manifestation of the disease.
Step 2
Eliminate all foods that can cause childhood eczema from the older child's diet. These include: dairy products, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, fish, eggs, nuts, chocolate, wheat flour products, tomatoes. After the signs of eczema disappear, wait a month or two and then introduce prohibited foods into the child's diet one at a time. This tactic will help determine which of the products provokes the manifestation of eczema.
Step 3
Eliminate chronic bacterial or viral infections. This can be done with a properly selected treatment by the doctor.
Step 4
Eliminate the source of stress in the child, otherwise you are unlikely to get rid of eczema. Treatment should be based on a corrected lifestyle and the intake of drugs that act in different directions, but work for the same result.
Step 5
Treat eczema externally with medication, of course under the supervision of a physician. Taking antihistamines and sedatives will help normalize the functioning of the child's neuroendocrine system. Neurological dysfunction may be due to a deficiency of potassium in the body, in which case the treatment will be easier than expected.
Step 6
Reduce itching in the area of eczematous spots in the child with regular cold compresses, air and sun baths.
Step 7
Do not use shampoos when bathing children with neurodermatitis, most of them dry the skin too much. In addition, the fragrances contained in shampoos can provoke the appearance of eczematous rashes. Use baby moisturizing soap.
Step 8
When bathing a child, add a decoction of chamomile flowers to the bath. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of dried flowers, fill them with water and simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes, strain. Apply every day.
Step 9
Apply raw potatoes or wipes soaked in potato juice several times a day to the resulting eczematous spots. You can perform the same manipulations with the leaves of the aloe tree.