Pharyngitis in children often occurs as a reaction to hypothermia or as a complication of rhinitis. It manifests itself as a sore throat when swallowing and breathing, accompanied by a dry cough. Sometimes there is a significant increase in body temperature.

Step 1
As with any other disease, with pharyngitis, it is necessary to carry out procedures that strengthen the immune system, to monitor the child's good nutrition. Food should be taken in a liquid and warm state, additionally give him vitamins (especially A, C, E). Exclude from his diet all spicy, hot, cold, as well as dry foods, since they additionally irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
Step 2
Pharyngitis is often accompanied by sinus inflammation. Regularly cleanse the nasal mucosa from secretions, rinse the nasopharynx with antiseptics (solutions of potassium permanganate, boric acid, furacillin, saline - soda solution). You can use sprays and inhalations containing natural anti-inflammatory aromatic oils (eucalyptus, menthol, and others).
Step 3
To relieve sore throat, use propolis medications, in the form of tablets, aerosols, or solutions. Lubricate the walls of the pharynx with vegetable and aromatic oils, they relieve inflammation and disinfect the mucous membrane. For topical medications, use iodine and oil sprays. When the pharyngeal wall is irrigated with a drug in the form of an aerosol, it is more evenly applied and easily absorbed, therefore it acts much faster.
Step 4
To cauterize painful granules on the back of the throat, use solutions of silver nitrate, trichloroacetic acid, which disinfect and reduce their localization. If the child has chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis with severe hyperplasia of the pharyngeal mucosa, cryotherapy may be prescribed.
Step 5
In addition to local therapy, use symptomatic treatment. At temperatures above 38 *, give the child antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol in the appropriate age-specific dosages. In case of severe pain when swallowing, irrigate the pharyngeal walls with aerosols containing anesthetics. Physiotherapy will be an effective addition to the treatment: UHF and electrophoresis with herbal infusions.