The series about the life of funny Smeshariki have become a real bestseller of modern domestic animation. Children simply adore these characters and very often ask their parents to draw all the characters of the series - Nyusha, Barash, Sovunya, Krosh, etc. At first glance, the simple silhouettes of Smeshariki may not be so easy to execute. In order for each drawn Smesharik to look like the original, you need to know a few small secrets.

an album for drawing, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, a simple pencil, an eraser, an image of Smeshariki or Maria Kornilova's book "Draw a Smesharik"
Step 1
Take a simple pencil and draw a medium-sized circle in the sketchbook. You can use a compass. Since all Smeshariki are round, they begin to draw any character - Hedgehog, Barash, Kopatych and others in the same way - from a circle.

Step 2
Divide the circle in half and then in half again to make 4 equal parts. The nose will be placed at the intersection of the lines in the middle of the circle. And in the upper half of the circle, large oval eyes will "sit" on the nose. This is the rule for all Smeshariki. But the shape of the nose depends on the specific character. Krosh's nose resembles a small button, Losyash's - a large pear, Nyusha's - a button with two holes.
Step 3
Draw Smesharik's eyes correctly. The pupils should be closer to the nose. This gives all the characters a characteristic funny expression.

Step 4
Study the original carefully. Each Smesharik has its own characteristics - color, shape of the mouth, paws and legs, additional attributes. If you decide to portray Nyusha, draw her graceful arms and legs - hooves and a funny pigtail sticking up. Pay attention to Nyusha's eyes - they are special - with beautifully half-closed eyelids and long eyelashes.
Step 5
Draw with your child. Children's drawings are very distinctive. Ask him what details Smesharik lacks and what they are needed for. Why does the Hedgehog wear glasses, why do I crush such strong teeth, etc. Let your little one develop their memory, attentiveness and learn to reflect.