How To Make All Your Dreams Come True

How To Make All Your Dreams Come True
How To Make All Your Dreams Come True

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The fulfillment of cherished desires sometimes becomes the most important goal in life for a person. To make your dreams come true faster, you can use tools such as reading affirmations and creating a Wish Card.

Tune in to create a "Wish Card"
Tune in to create a "Wish Card"

Wish card

Surprisingly, an activity like creating a collage can be not only fun, but also rewarding. A "wish card" is a sheet on which a person pastes or draws images that he associates with dreams. To make it you will need: Whatman paper, your photograph, a lot of magazines, scissors, glue, pencils or felt-tip pens. Before you start creating, close your eyes, tell yourself that now you will be creating your future. When you feel ready to start with a positive attitude, open your eyes. Leafing through magazines, pay attention to the pictures that you would like to translate into your life. For example, you can find the car you've been dreaming of for a long time. Anything you like about the magazines, cut out.

When you have decided on the images for the "Wish Card", lay out whatman paper in front of you. Paste your photo in the center. It is important that you look like a happy person on it. But if when looking at your photo, you have some unpleasant memories, take another. Otherwise, you will end up creating problems for yourself in the future, rather than fulfilling your dreams.

Further, observing the principles of feng shui, you need to arrange the pictures into zones. At the top will be the area responsible for the career, business. Place the relevant images here. For example, people who sign a contract, etc. Now we will move clockwise. In the upper right corner you will have a zone that helps in learning, gaining wisdom. For example, here you can place pictures of people whose works you are studying. To the right of the photo, you need to glue pictures associated with your family. The lower right corner is the wealth zone. Put all the material values that you want to attract here. For example, a car, jewelry, house, money, etc. Glue images under your photo that speak of your success and fame. The lower left corner is the area of love. Here you can place, for example, kissing couples. To the left of the photo there will be a travel area, as well as children. The upper left corner indicates the help area. Images of icons, a guardian angel, etc. will be appropriate here.

When you glue all the pictures, take pencils or felt-tip pens, write affirmation phrases near each. For example, "Let it be so", "Come true", etc. You can also draw additional images that you would like to receive in the future.

Place the "Wish Card" where it will be invisible to others. But be sure to look at it yourself in the morning after waking up and before going to bed. At these moments, the connection between your subconscious and the Universe is strongest.


Use affirmations as often as possible to fulfill your desires. These are positive statements that a person comes up with for himself or uses ready-made ones. You can find affirmations in books by authors such as Louise Hay, Natalya Pravdina, Alexander Sviyash, etc.

If you are going to write statements yourself, keep in mind that they should sound in present tense. For example, "I receive a salary of 100,000 rubles", "I live in my three-room apartment."

Say the affirmations at least 8 times every day. It is most effective to repeat statements in the morning and evening.
