Children grow up very quickly, it seems that just recently you brought this precious bundle from the hospital with a serenely sleeping baby, and now he is already preparing to enter adulthood. With the growing up of children come the difficulties of transitional age, when not only the physical condition changes, but also consciousness, attitude, psyche.

Step 1
The transitional age is the period of time in a teenager when puberty occurs, coupled with accelerated physical development and growth. All systems of the body and organs in this period are finally formed, an intensive process of hormone production takes place. Boys begin their transitional age a couple of years later than girls. Already at the age of eleven or twelve, the difference between girls and boys is visible. The girls are already gradually turning into girls, and the guys look like children.
Step 2
The transitional age has no clear boundaries in adolescents, and the features of each manifest themselves in different ways. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty how long a given period lasts. Psychologists and doctors call the period from 10 to 17 years. At the same time, there is a caveat that the indicators may vary in the direction of decreasing or increasing. In a transitional age, some character traits are enhanced, behavior changes, muscles and bones are actively developing, boys' voice coarsens, body hair increases, and genitals develop. This period is often accompanied by the appearance of acne, which disappears with the end of maturation. Young men become excitable, sexual attraction to the opposite sex begins to manifest, feelings intensify, and nocturnal emissions occur.
Step 3
The psychology of children is changing rapidly, so the main task of adults is to tell their child how to properly survive the transitional age with less losses. Parents should be psychologically prepared for the fact that, to one degree or another, the complexity of this period overtakes every family. Even yesterday, an obedient child becomes suspicious, rude, touchy and categorical, a habit of arguing about any matter appears. Rudeness and stubbornness, turning into rudeness is another age-related feature caused by hormonal storms. You need to listen to your child, tactfully guide you to the right decision, help with unobtrusive advice. You cannot read notation and force something to be done.
Step 4
Often, the adolescent's body begins to malfunction, but the diseases during this period are temporary. Ailments may be due to the fact that some systems and organs do not have time to grow as quickly as the teenager himself, therefore, do not fully cope with their functions. The adolescent's condition will return to normal. The most common transitional diseases: acne, adolescent depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia (accompanied by heart palpitations, sweating, chilliness, increased fatigue and dizziness, low blood pressure and irritability).