Every girl is faced with the situation of a man's choice. It is difficult for someone to decide between two boyfriends, while others have no one around at all. How to behave and what to do in this or that case?

Step 1
Decide what you need a young man for, because you need criteria for the choice. You may be looking out for a lover or someone with whom you want to spend your free time. Agree that the candidate for the role of spouse and father of future children needs to be chosen more carefully than just a male admirer. Consider what qualities a suitable young man should have. Many girls start to create a long list of requirements for a man. If you are one of them, stop. You will not find such a young man. As criteria, single out five or six of the most important qualities, which you cannot do without. Take the definition of the main qualities of a man with all seriousness, because your future and the fulfillment of desire depend on it.
Step 2
When you have a follower, test it against those five or six specific qualities. If the young man meets the criteria, and something inside you doubts the right choice, then trust more intuition. If at the moment you have no fans and there is no one to choose from, you do not need to look for men everywhere, as if you are sailing to a desert island for a year. Calm down, relax, go about your business as usual. But there is an important BUT: be internally ready to meet the one you are looking for. An inner readiness to meet a person with the right qualities is the key to your success. At the same time, do not sit at home, go for a walk, meet with friends, go out. There were cases when men accidentally confused apartments and knocked on the door to the woman who was waiting for them, but still, this is a great rarity.
Step 3
Meet different men, find out their characters and characteristics. It's very hard to choose when you only have one fan. By comparing men to each other, you can better understand who is right for you.
Step 4
When we fall deeply in love, it is difficult to make the right choice, especially if the companion of our whole life is determined. It is important that the connection with a man goes through the heart, but there is nothing wrong if the relationship to everything else is thoughtful and balanced. Try to find out as soon as possible whether a man is right for you or not. To do this, carefully look at his behavior, existing relationships in the parental family, achievements and take into account life goals. Believe more in what a man does than in his words. Find out how a young man treats his mother, because this is the very first and most important woman in his life. If a man has conflicts and difficulties with his mother, this is a reason to think. The independence of a young person can be evidenced by his life apart from his parents. The ability to care and take responsibility is manifested through the presence of a pet.
Step 5
If your choice settled on a certain man, this does not mean that all other standing fans need to be given a turn from the gate. This does not apply to individuals who do not fit at all. Nobody knows how the relationship with your chosen man will develop, but competition does amazing things at times. The main thing is not to overdo it with boyfriends. Your fans don't have to be explicit. Let this be a secret for a young man and, only sometimes, an incentive to exploits.