How To Choose A Good Condom

How To Choose A Good Condom
How To Choose A Good Condom

Getting new sensations and experimenting with different types of condoms is not such a bad idea. Who knows, perhaps you will discover new, previously unknown facets of pleasure. But how to make the right choice?

How to choose a good condom
How to choose a good condom


The most common condoms today are made from latex. But many will probably be interested to know that this material is far from the only one. One of the latest advances in male contraception in the chemical industry is Microsheer, better known as medical polyurethane. Condoms made from it do not cause allergic reactions, are much stronger than latex ones and have higher thermal conductivity, which increases the realism of sensations during use. Another plus is the lack of taste and smell. There is only one drawback of condoms made of such an excellent material - the high price.

As an alternative to polyurethane, you can consider another modern material for the manufacture of condoms - Tactylon. Manufacturers also promise that it is completely hypoallergenic and more durable than latex. The material stretches well, which reduces the likelihood of tearing or slipping. But such a condom will also cost a lot.

The size

Of course, the success of its application will depend on the correct choice of the size of the product. After all, no matter how super strong and modern a condom is, if it squeezes and chases you or, on the contrary, falls off, you will experience much less joy from having sex than you would like. For this reason, the choice of size should also be approached with great care. It is worth noting that the choice of sizes in this category of products is not particularly great. For example, foreign production standards suggest that the length should not be less than 170 mm, the width from 44 to 56 mm (this is half the circumference of the condom). But the Russian standard, it seems, is designed for larger men: length 178 +/- 2 mm, width - 54 +/- 2 mm. Products with a width of 52 mm are most often found in Russia.

By the way, the thickness of condoms is also an important parameter of their quality. Standard latex, for example, have a thickness of 0.06 mm, special thin ones - 0.05 mm, but the thickness of polyurethane rubber products is only 0.02 mm. That is, the acuity of sensations will be the maximum possible.

Individual characteristics

It should be noted that there is no universal good condom and cannot be. Each couple is individual and chooses what suits her. To enhance the sensation, you can choose condoms with more or less lubrication, stimulating rings or pimples, and tight fit.
