Women dream of getting married, but not all men want to get married. Rather, men have completely different dreams. This is understandable, because marriage is a responsibility, and modern men are in no hurry to take it upon themselves. It has become much more difficult to survive on your own, let alone the fact that a family is a certain obligation, and not everyone can afford it. In addition, life itself has become much more interesting, there are many temptations, and few people dream of quiet family evenings in front of the TV.

If a man loves a woman, he will definitely want to marry her. Just a little later. Sometimes this "later" lasts quite a long time, developing into permanent cohabitation, or until the relationship collapses on its own. What should women do, because the time allotted by nature for the birth of a child is limited, and not everyone will decide to have one without a legal spouse?
As the heroine of one famous film said: "We will not wait for mercy from men." How can you force a man to marry, and even so that he thinks that he made this decision himself? Start with yourself first.
It's not true that men don't like strong women. It is unlikely that a modern man will be interested in such an infantile person for a long time, languidly flapping her eyelashes and unable to clearly connect two words.
So, a woman should be active first of all. Appearance is also important: hair, makeup, manicure. She should be dressed tastefully, always neat and in place. It is not necessary to buy expensive brands for this. The thing may not be expensive, but stylish.
A man will always be attracted by a well-read, competent young lady who knows how to navigate in various fields of knowledge, own a computer, drive a car, and understand the latest technical innovations. You must be insanely attractive so that a man is afraid of losing you every minute. Then, perhaps, the thought will come to him that by marrying you, he will be able to sleep peacefully.
A woman should not be impregnable like a rock, but she should not be intrusive either. Don't let him understand that you really want to marry him. Let everything be at the “maybe” or “I need to think” level. Find yourself a hobby. Maintain your personal space. Chat with other men. Flirt and flirt, but know when to stop, do not go too far. The spirit of competition is developed in a man, take advantage of this.
But if even after that the object of your desire does not make you an offer, you should think about whether you need this man and is it worth spending your time on him? Maybe you still deserve the best?