How To Find A Good Wife

How To Find A Good Wife
How To Find A Good Wife

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"Marriage is a serious step," Chekhov's character kept repeating. And today this statement does not lose its relevance. It is believed that most women want to get married, but men do not. In fact, men are no less often faced with the problem of finding their only one.

Perhaps happiness is near?
Perhaps happiness is near?


Step 1

Take a closer look at your surroundings. If you find it difficult to choose a life partner, most likely you are not attentive enough or too critical of familiar unmarried girls.

Step 2

Don't look for perfect options. Anya is sweet, but too young, Natasha just wants to have fun, and Lena seems to prefer a career to her family? Trust your heart, and if the eternally businesslike Lena is humanly sympathetic to you, take the first step, discarding stereotypes.

Step 3

Pay special attention to your appearance, if you did not attach special importance to it before. No, to be like George Clooney is completely optional, but smartness and grooming have not hurt anyone yet.

Step 4

Expand your social circle - go to parties, to theaters, to the now so popular public lectures, sign up for a ballroom dance club, and finally, there are always not enough men there. At least, the attention of women in a purely ladies' society is guaranteed to you.

Step 5

If you are naturally shy, take a pickup course. No, you are not going to seduce the beauties and leave them immediately. On courses of this kind, in addition to getting rid of complexes, they teach communication skills, the ability to interest a girl, which will come in handy when looking for a wife.

Step 6

When meeting young ladies, you should not immediately start talking about the registry office, no matter how suitable the candidate seems to you. Yes, girls want to get married, but such haste can scare them. So you will not be able to bypass the candy-bouquet period of courtship.

Step 7

Take advice from your elders. Our ancestors chose a spouse not by appearance (do not drink water from the face), but by her economic abilities. If you are a conservative by nature, and the main thing for you is order in the house and hot cabbage soup for lunch, look for the one who cooks the best among all the young ladies you know. You will not go wrong.

Step 8

Notify everyone you know about your search. Don't be shy about your fine intentions. It may be a little old-fashioned, but honest and touching. And, who knows, perhaps your princess will very soon be found herself.
