Do all men cheat? It is not true. A woman can not only keep a partner near her and remain the only one for him, but also keep love for many years. After all, men are not lazy and instinctive animals and not robotic aliens from Mars, they are the same people as women, and they are quite understandable. You will learn to understand and accept - you will remain loved.

Ability to develop and strengthen relationships
Step 1
Do not provoke treason. Sometimes some women subconsciously want a man to be carried away by another (they like to feel like a victim, "white and fluffy" - especially compared to a traitor). The most dangerous thing here is to invite a “poor relative” or an unhappy friend to stay at home or often invite them to visit and to joint meetings. But this does not mean that one should stop communicating with women altogether and not let the husband go anywhere alone! Everything in moderation.
Step 2
No need to criticize a man's hobbies. It is better to try to understand and share them, at least as a spectator ("Dear, what a beautiful fish you caught!").
Step 3
You should be present in all areas of your man's life, but at the same time - do not get bored. It will be great if both you and he will wear wedding rings and put a photo of your happy couple on your computer desktop or just on your desktop. Chat with each other's colleagues.
Step 4
Take care of yourself (both appearance and spiritual and intellectual state), pay attention to sex - it should not become an everyday habit or "conjugal duty."