Exams are challenging times for both children and their parents. The student needs to prepare well for the test and successfully demonstrate the knowledge he has learned, and adults need to help the child pass the exams.

Step 1
Discuss strengths and weaknesses with your child in advance. At the same time, one should avoid both criticism: "I was idle all year, and now I need to learn everything in a week", and exaggeration of his capabilities: "Let two days before the exam, we will have time to learn everything." Plan out clearly what needs to be done before the exam.
Step 2
Try to cheat a little: if the theory of the subject is complex enough, but the tickets must have problems, learn how to solve them correctly, as this will provide additional points. Be sure to take a test test - for this, you can find assignments from previous years on the Internet. This will help your child more accurately identify the topics that need to be brought up.
Step 3
Teach your child the tricks that once helped you successfully learn the subject. If the child does not remember the formulas well, write them large on sheets and hang them around the house. In a few days he will remember them visually and will be able to reproduce them on the exam. If a student's auditory memory predominates, read theoretical material to him so that he remembers it better. Ideally, all types of memory should be used when preparing for exams.
Step 4
Provide the child with the opportunity to study calmly Allocate free space for him, temporarily move the younger family members to other rooms if the children live together. Free the student from household chores.
Step 5
Make sure your baby is well nourished. During the preparation for exams, his brain works hard, so he needs all the nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Salmon, liver, cocoa, nuts, blueberries, eggs, avocados are especially useful for the brain.
Step 6
Support your student morally, say that you believe in him and his strength. And for yourself, remember that exams are always a lottery and life does not end after failure.