A small child often changes his mood. Children are active and curious, they spend all their agility on the study of a new world for them. When a child learns new words, he learns new information with even greater speed, but he cannot always express it in words, which can greatly anger. Add to this also fatigue, hunger or thirst - you get a standard hysteria in a child.

How to calm a child down?
1) Try to avoid difficult situations your child may find themselves in. For example: You are about to go to the store when the child is sleepy or hungry.
2) Ignore the tantrum. If the process takes place without self-harm, as well as without damage to property, then the best behavior on your part will be to ignore his actions. When a child does not see that his fruits are not bringing the desired result, he calms down.
3) If the child harms himself, others or property, then put him in a chair, which you put in the corner. Tell him that he can only leave the chair when he calms down. If he understood everything, calmed down - let him leave the chair and praise for good behavior.
4) Praise your child only when he has completely calmed down, and not in the process of a child's tantrum. Premature bragging will lead the kid to the idea that it is much more profitable to be hysterical and get certain advantages for it. And aggression on the part of a parent will not teach a child to control himself, looking at a screaming or fighting father or mother.
5) Allow your child to deal with certain issues. A child may triple a tantrum if you forbid him to do anything himself. But he just knows the world. If a problem has arisen, and the baby wants to solve it, then, as an intelligent and intelligent parent, give him several solutions to choose from, and let him choose one of them. For example: what kind of shoes he will choose for a walk. Or what he wants to eat for dinner: Kiev cutlets or sausages. This will limit the choice, but also allow the child to express his will.
Advice: If a child harms someone, and also if, then a child psychologist consultation will help your child. He will tell you how best to act in this situation, since it is individual for each family.