Dinner is an important part of a child's daily diet. If the baby is not fed, he will not be able to sleep peacefully, because he is hungry. If he overextends, restless sleep for him, all the more, is guaranteed. Therefore, it is very important that the child's dinner is not only tasty, but also balanced.

Basic principles of dinner
Dinner doesn't have to be heavy. For a child, it is better to prepare it from light foods that the baby has not eaten during the day. Thus, the child's body will receive all the necessary nutrients, and at the same time the stomach and liver will not experience overload during sleep.
This, of course, is a general rule, to which there are exceptions. It happens that the baby ate poorly during the day, and in the evening he got hungry and is ready to have a hearty dinner. In this case, you should not refuse the child. You just need to postpone such a dinner to an earlier time.
It is better if the child's dinner is not monotonous. Each time you serve a new dish, you do not oppress the kid's interest in food and shape his tastes, for which he will be grateful to you in adult life.
Feed your baby no later than 2 hours before bedtime. This time is enough for the organs involved in the process of digestion to have time to do their main work in order to rest at night.
Never force a child to eat everything. If the baby is tired and falls asleep without dinner, do not worry or try to feed him sleepily. A healthy sleep is more important than any dinner.
What are the best foods for a kid's dinner?
Vegetables are considered ideal for a child's dinner. You can cook carrot or beet cutlets, vegetable stew, various casseroles, mashed potatoes for your baby. Many children do not like or eat vegetables. In this case, you can offer an omelet or milk porridge and serve bread croutons.
If the child does not eat milk porridge, it can be cooked in water. It is better not to give the child meat at night, but if you still want to do this, stop at chicken or rabbit meat. These types of meat are easily digestible.
If the child did not eat fermented milk products during the day, a glass of kefir, yogurt or yogurt would be a great dinner for him. The child is unlikely to give up the sweet curd with fruits or berries. Children also love cheesecakes and curd casseroles.
If your little one is a big lover of pasta, you can offer him milk soup with pasta or make a casserole. A child can wash down dinner with compote, tea, milk. It all depends on the preferences of the baby. The main thing is not to give too much liquid. One glass will be enough.
All these are general recommendations, because each child has his own tastes. The task of the mother is to adapt to the tastes of her child and prepare a delicious and healthy dinner.