Child development is one of the areas that parents pay special attention to and attach great importance to. Modern trends are such that a child begins to be taught almost from birth. Technique for diaper reading, teaching writing, modeling, counting, etc. - the baby can engage in various methods for whole hours, if the parents want it.

When children grow up a little, the question of choosing the right direction for further development becomes even more acute for parents. After all, the division of circles and classes begins not only according to interests, but also according to gender. Boys' parents usually have a harder time. After all, almost any type of activity is suitable for a girl, including complex sports hobbies. The situation is often different with boys, because parents are very afraid to make mistakes and send the child to classes that are defined as "girly". And there it is not far to the point that the child will simply begin to tease for the inappropriate method of development.
Psychologists assure that only notorious parents can pay attention to these prejudices. In fact, it is necessary to choose those activity options that the child prefers. Therefore, it is worth spending a lot of time to decide exactly where to send the child for further development.
Remember that if your son loves drawing more than kicking the ball on the field, this does not mean that he is not like all "normal" boys. He just has a slightly different internal organization.
Traditionally, boys are sent to various sports sections. Hockey, football, karate - the list can be listed non-stop and for a very long time. Indeed, sport develops and hardens the character of a future man very well. It allows you to think more logically, teaches you not to get lost in difficult situations and at the same time makes it possible to learn how to make decisions at a critical moment.
In addition, sport has a very good effect on the health of the child and makes it possible to strengthen it if the boy was sickly and frail from childhood.
Sport is often a traumatic type of developmental activity, so you cannot be 100% protected from bruises. But there is nothing wrong, minor injuries only temper the boy, turning him into a real man.
Naturally, you should look closely at your child very carefully. It is possible that sport is not his element. Maybe he loves painting or writing poetry more. Alternatively, the son can play music perfectly and have perfect pitch. In this case, he should be given to various creative circles - drawing, singing, music, modeling, etc. At the same time, it is not worth thinking that an inferior, “fake” man will grow out of him. After all, history knows a huge number of examples of famous singers, artists, composers, etc., whom no one would dare to call them unmanly or somehow not so.
What to consider
First of all, it is imperative to take into account the opinion of the child himself. After all, if he goes to classes from under the stick, nothing good will come of it. And it will be very difficult to call such circles developing. Moreover, you need to observe this rule even if you desperately want your son to do something else. Psychologists say that parents already too often transfer their expectations to their children in order to force them through force to practice not where the children themselves would like.
Choosing a place to study is not so difficult. Discuss with your child what he would like to do, and then start choosing a place. It is advisable that the circles and sections are not very far from the house. So that while the child goes to class, he does not lose patience or desire.
The club must be neat, clean and friendly. If already at the entrance you meet a grumbling administrator and gloomy teachers, it is better to refuse to visit such an institution.
Approach the issue of choosing circles responsibly, and your child will be grateful to you.