A book is not only a good, but also a useful gift. It is an effective method for raising and developing a child. When buying a book for a girl, it is important to choose a publication that will interest her.

Step 1
Since ancient times, the priority role of women is the continuation of the family, taking care of the home, comfort and well-being of the family. Girls are inherently softer, gentle and responsive than boys, although there are exceptions. Therefore, books for girls are important and interesting not so much by action as by feeling, sensation and description. In order for the book to captivate the little lady, it must contain detailed descriptions, as well as detailed and well-marked portraits and feelings of the main characters.
Step 2
First, pay attention to age guidelines. A brightly illustrated collection of good fairy tales is suitable for a baby, and an older girl can be presented with funny and interesting stories about animals or about the romantic adventures of her favorite characters. In addition, there are special collections of fairy tales for girls on sale, in which the main characters are princesses, fairies and good sorceresses. The romantic works of Green and the exciting adventures of Alice Lewis Carroll will come in very handy.
Step 3
Consider your child's hobbies. Buy illustrated jewelry making guides, sewing or knitting books for the little fashionista. If a girl loves to paint, pick up several publications with reproductions of famous artists or a book on drawing and painting for her.
Step 4
Subject collections and encyclopedias are of significant benefit to the general development and broadening of horizons. Buy a few of these with colorful illustrations and plenty of useful text.
Step 5
When choosing a book, be sure to personally review it. This will help you protect your child from the “low-quality” literature that is now available in large quantities on the market. It is better not to buy abridged or revised editions, stick to the classic author's version of the works that are familiar to you from childhood.