Why Are Children Jealous Of Everyone For Their Mother?

Why Are Children Jealous Of Everyone For Their Mother?
Why Are Children Jealous Of Everyone For Their Mother?

Everyone knows that when another child appears in the family, many parents notice the inappropriate behavior of their first child. He worries that he is forgotten by everyone and superfluous.


Such feelings are the cause of the child's hostile behavior or secrecy. The first step is not to consider jealousy, as something unusual, in a given place - this is a completely vivid manifestation of spiritual qualities. It arises because the child loves his parents, especially his mother. If, on the contrary, he is indifferent to the baby, then this means that the child does not want to love. The firstborn constantly thinks that the new relative is constantly trying to oust him, and only thanks to the sensitivity and great love of the mother, he will be able to overcome his fears.

Some children who do not like to show their feelings are much more painful to bear changes in the family. They cannot share their experiences, which is why they are jealous more often. If a mother cannot solve this problem in childhood, it will be much more difficult at an older age.

As children grow up, jealousy appears about more difficult situations. At first, it seems that it arises from a violation of existing relationships, but then it becomes clear that almost every child dreams that his mother is only his. The child really wants to feel completely safe, so the instinct of self-preservation is triggered in the struggle for the mother's location.

Children are very impressionable and sensitive. It is difficult for them at this age to form their own types of protection from jealous feelings, which may be why they suffer a lot. The task of parents is to give an opportunity to express this state. By providing a way of self-expression, parents can help their child avoid the need for internal protection.

Emotional feelings of babies should spill out, and not accumulate inside the child. It is necessary to provide the child with the opportunity to manifest all the feelings that torment him. By controlling anger and jealousy, you can ensure that the child, having gone through this, will cease to be jealous.

It is necessary to educate in such a way that providing a small child with such care and surrounded by him with good care will give him the opportunity to be jealous only when it is worth it.

Developing normally, the child will be able to acquire qualities that manifest in ambition and competition, which will give an impetus for high growth and self-expression.
