Is your baby the last among his peers to run in wet pants? This does not mean at all that your parenting career has failed. Just like the issue of sleeping and eating, the issue of going to the pot on your own cannot be resolved by strict guidelines. The main task is to develop a healthy attitude towards the toilet procedure. In many ways, the success of the business will depend on the correctly selected pot.

General rules
Regardless of the gender of the child for whom the pot is purchased, the structure must be durable, comfortable and safe. Pay attention to whether it will be convenient to wash the structure, the most comfortable pots with a removable inner part. You can also use the baby in the purchase so that she immediately arranges a small "fitting", trying to see if it is comfortable for her to sit. It is better if the design will have a comfortable back or imitation of a lid, which resembles the design of an adult toilet. Pay attention to the presence of a footrest. Thanks to her, the baby, fidgeting on the pot, will not fall off it.
There are frequent debates about the appropriateness of using toy pots. Such models are good only at the first stage - when teaching a little lady to the pot. In most cases, they are inconvenient and cumbersome.
The most common material used in the production of pots is durable plastic. In addition to being easy to care for, it has high heat capacity, which is also important for babies.
"Special" requirements
For a girl, it is worth purchasing a pot without a protrusion in front, a rounded shape that will allow her to sit with her legs brought together. Universal designs with a small anatomical protrusion are also suitable.
Musical and toy pots
Common music pots "inform" when the child copes with his "business". However, the constant use of such a construction can develop a conditioned reflex in a child. Hearing a familiar "toilet" melody in the store, the baby will decide that it's time for "wet business".
Toy pots attract the attention of babies, but their constant use can provoke too long a stay on the pot, which is unhealthy. The same reason is the basis for the prohibition of giving a child toys during the emptying process.
Or maybe not a pot?
If the toilet does not cause fear in your baby, you can equip it too. When purchasing a special child seat, make sure that it can be secured firmly and that the child will be comfortable. Place a comfortable step near the toilet, allowing the baby to climb in and out of the toilet on her own. In addition, the process of emptying is greatly facilitated if the child's feet do not hang off the floor, but have a solid base. There are designs for adult toilets that provide additional seating, but they are designed for older kids.