How To Tell If Your Child Enjoys Learning

How To Tell If Your Child Enjoys Learning
How To Tell If Your Child Enjoys Learning

There are only a few days left before the start of the new school year. Soon mums and dads will lead excited and well-dressed first graders to schools. And the parents themselves will also be worried, thinking whether their children will be able to get used to the new environment, whether they will like school, whether their studies will be easy. But there are signs by which you can see if your child likes to learn.

How to tell if your child enjoys learning
How to tell if your child enjoys learning

Of course, all children are different. Someone will instantly fit into the new team, get used to school requirements, to a new daily routine, but someone will take time. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions, wait at least a few weeks.

If a child returns from school in a good mood, willingly tells you what the teacher told them new, what they did in the classroom, how classmates answered questions, then this is a sign that the child is interested in learning. In the same case, if he is clearly dissatisfied, depressed, and every word has to be literally pulled out of him, the parents should be on their guard. Maybe the teacher is not qualified enough, does not know how to teach lessons in an interesting, exciting way. Or maybe an unhealthy psychological environment has developed in the class, the child is being offended.

Pay attention to how the school fees go. Of course, children, especially if they are "owls", are not so easy to wake up early in the morning. But if the kid likes to learn, he will get up pretty quickly. If he refuses to get up for a long time and stubbornly, complaining of fatigue, feeling unwell, and then whimpering, demonstratively slowly washing and dressing, as if wanting to anger his parents, this is a clear sign that he does not want to go to school. Ask yourself why? And resist the temptation to immediately accuse the child of being lazy.

Try to figure out what's the matter. Talk, for example, with the parents of the child's classmates, ask them questions: what is the impression of their son or daughter from studying, is it interesting to teach the teacher. It might be worth talking to the teacher himself, and if you don’t find a common language, with someone from the school leadership. As a last resort, if the child stubbornly shows no interest in learning, you will have to think about transferring him to another school.
