I Love Married

I Love Married
I Love Married

Unfortunately, sometimes situations arise in which a woman falls in love with a married man, and such situations are not uncommon today. Many girls do not know how to cope with such a problem and what is the best thing to do - leave a man or still try to achieve him?

I love married
I love married

What if you liked the married one?

First you need to decide - are you ready to give up your love for a married person, are you ready to destroy someone else's marriage, or is the role of a mistress suitable for you? Depending on which option is acceptable, it is necessary to develop a strategy.

First option

So, the first way is to try to forget everything and not interfere with someone else's marriage. In this case, you just need to disappear and forget about married love. Also, in this case, you need to try:

  1. Fill all your free time with something. True, it doesn't matter what you have to do, but you need to find something to do. The most important thing is not to lie on the couch and not suffer;
  2. Realize feelings. Refusing such close, but inaccessible love, a person can experience a wide variety of feelings and emotions. It can be pity, low self-esteem, anger, resentment, and many other similar feelings. They can be expressed after a dialogue with a psychologist, a friend, or through entries in a personal diary;
  3. Don't prohibit releasing negative emotions. If you want to cry, you need to cry; if you want to break dishes and rip pillows, you need to do it. Only now you should not engage in public scandals or expressing feelings for a married man;

Second option

The second option, in which it is necessary to fight for the love of a married man. Even if this goes against their conscience, some women will go to any lengths to win the favor of a married man. Psychologists in such a situation advise the following:

  1. A woman should become the embodiment of all those qualities and virtues that a married man likes. It should be remembered that a married man will subconsciously compare a girl with his wife, and this comparison should be in your favor;
  2. It is necessary to start building the closest possible relationship with a married man. You can start with his hobby or other common cause. It should be remembered: the more time you spend with a man, the more and higher the degree of trust will be, and the greater the awareness of common views;

It is necessary to refrain from becoming a friend for a man. You need to constantly emphasize your femininity and at the same time his masculinity.
