Although your men are good, they do not always correspond to the ideal and not in everything. However, it is within your power to bring them to this correspondence. To do this, you need to take a few not too difficult actions.

Step 1
To make your man attractive and tidy, try bath training first. Some of them, although they keep an eye on the cleanliness, but only in the evening. And the ideal man takes a shower in the morning. And it does not matter at all whether he is a locksmith, a doctor, a system administrator, a foreman or an executive director. And after a shower must be followed by shaving and applying a good, albeit inexpensive perfume. And it is worth remembering that the shower is taken after breakfast, when all household chores are finished and it is time to get ready for work.
Step 2
Teach a man to take care of his hands and nails. It is not necessary to visit the salon and spend all evenings polishing and bathing, but the nails of the ideal man are always short and neatly trimmed and kept clean.
Step 3
Train your significant other to change socks, underwear, and shirts every day. Some people think that these things can be worn for several days, especially when it's cool. Nothing like this! And if it's a stretch about the shirt, but you can agree, about underwear and socks - in no case! The ideal man should look neat.
Step 4
Explain to your beloved man that he should keep his shoes clean. In the ideal representative of the stronger sex, she always shines, there is no dried dirt on her, and she is not covered with dust. And the shoes are put in order in the evening.
Step 5
A man working in an office (laboratory, classroom, and other similar places) should always wear a suit. Exceptions to this rule are extremely rare and only confirm it. Moreover, the costume should be classic and strict, discreet and elegant. And here men cannot do without your help. Help your beloved choose a suit worthy of the ideal. And don't forget to choose a tie that goes well with your other half's other garments.
Step 6
When working in production, as a rule, the guys are given a work uniform. Train your man to bring her home for a wash and fix on a weekly basis. Even a real handsome man in a dirty robe with a torn sleeve will look unpresentable.
Step 7
The ideal man always has the perfect hairstyle, regardless of profession. Remind your beloved representative of the stronger sex about a visit to the hairdresser, or even better - get a clipper and cut it yourself as needed.
Step 8
The perfect man never spits. Unfortunately, some guys have this habit and don't even notice it. Wean it off! The spitting handsome man is not a sight for the faint of heart. Having taken these simple actions, you may well be able to, even if not bring your man to perfection, but at least bring him a little closer to your ideal.