How To Recognize His Feelings For Himself

How To Recognize His Feelings For Himself
How To Recognize His Feelings For Himself

Table of contents:


Every girl at least once wondered how to recognize the true feelings of a young man in relation to her. Guys, especially very young ones, may be ashamed of their feelings and try to hide them. In this case, there are methods that will help the girl find out what feelings the young man really has for her.

How to recognize his feelings for himself
How to recognize his feelings for himself


Step 1

Take a closer look at how he communicates with you. If he seeks to prolong the conversation as long as possible, coming up with more and more new topics, it is obvious that he has sympathy. However, the opposite option is also possible here: if the guy is shy, he may try to hide his feelings, and, as a result, not talk to you at all. In any case, you need to analyze how he communicates with you and with other people. If his communication with you and with others is radically different, this indicates that the guy is not indifferent to you.

Step 2

If a guy constantly bumps into you, as if "accidentally", this is a sign of not only sympathy, but, perhaps, strong love. After several such meetings at discos, with friends, and just on the street, it is safe to say that he is under the influence of your spell.

Step 3

When a guy in conversation with you at any opportunity, uses the pronoun "we" instead of "I" - this is another sign of sympathy.

Step 4

Check what he is willing to go for you. If a guy cancels his appointments and changes plans for you, this is a sign that he really likes you. Ask him for something that is not easy to accomplish. By the way he perceives your request, it will be possible to quite accurately determine his feelings for you.

Step 5

If you quite often receive messages from him by phone, ICQ or Skype, this also indicates his interest in you. Even if these messages do not carry any information, and in your opinion, they are simply stupid, nevertheless, this is the way in which he tries to get your attention.
