There have been heated debates for a long time about which school can be considered ideal. Some argue that the most important thing in school is strict discipline, without which it is impossible either to instill in children respect for teachers, or to force them to study conscientiously. Others object: they say, the school is not an army, there is no need to teach children to strict rules and demand their unconditional observance. The main thing is a democratic, benevolent atmosphere so that children see teachers as older comrades, mentors, and not overseers. Where is the truth?

What is the main function of the school
What should be the school? Each of the theories put forward during the dispute is fair in its own way. But we must remember that the main function of the school is indicated in its very designation - "educational institution". That is, first of all, children in school must study, master those subjects that are included in the educational program. And this requires both discipline (of course, within reasonable limits, without extremes), and good, highly qualified teachers who are able to present their subject not only correctly and clearly, but also in an interesting way, to inspire children with love for it. The teacher should be the authority for the students. But this authority should not be based on fear, but on the respect of the elder.
Children go to a good school willingly, knowing that teachers will not only interestingly and entertainingly tell about their subjects, but also listen to them, give good advice, and suggest how to solve a particular problem.
In order for the educational process to take place at a high level, and the health of students is not at risk, the school must be equipped with everything necessary, comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.
Should the school have an educational function?
Unfortunately, some parents do not pay due attention to the education of their offspring, shifting this responsibility to the school. They say that teachers work there, so let them explain to my child what is good and what is bad. In addition, in recent years, the rights of schoolchildren have clearly exceeded their responsibilities, and it has become problematic for teachers to punish even malicious violators of school discipline, because you can get a term for this.
This, of course, leaves a negative imprint on the school reality. Nevertheless, good teachers are able to find a common language even with "difficult" students, to convince them that learning is not a burdensome duty, but a useful and necessary thing, and that it is necessary to follow the rules that are obligatory for everyone.
The teacher must inspire children to treat each other with respect, compassion, and show mutual assistance. It is no coincidence that graduates of good schools, even many years after receiving their certificates, regularly communicate and get together.
Summing up, we can say: an ideal school is an educational institution that gives students good knowledge and contributes to the formation of worthy human qualities in them.