Parting hurts. Especially when a loved one leaves. After all, without him, it seems, life is impossible. Well, commit suicide? No, this is not the best option. Our world is so arranged that what looks like is not always true, and those who feel lonely today can find new love tomorrow. But in order to take a step towards the future, you need to let the past be left behind.

Step 1
Think about why it is important for you to forget your past love. What did the departed girl mean to you? Why didn't the relationship work out? It so happens that a man seeks to erase the "former" from his memory, not because he has strong feelings for her, but realizes that the past cannot be returned, but because he has unpleasant memories associated with her. For example, she left him, humiliating him in front of friends and in front of herself. This must be understood at the very beginning, because without knowing what you are fighting with, you will not be able to win.
Step 2
Write a letter to your sweetheart. Tell us about your feelings, about what you see the reason for the separation, what you want. If you hope to return your beloved, write why and how you plan to do it. The more detailed the letter is, the better. Read what is written. This will allow you to see yourself from the outside. There is no need to send a message - this will only aggravate the situation, because it is difficult to forget a girl without breaking ties with her.
Step 3
Try not to interact with her for a while. Don't write, don't call, don't look for meetings. Your task is to understand yourself and tune in to a new life, a life in which this person will cease to be an idol. Don't talk to your friends about your ex, don't look at her photos. It is important for you not to look to the past.
Step 4
Seek solitude in the fight against passion. Meditate, read books. This will help to achieve calmness, a sense of harmony. It is good to turn to literature of spiritual content, works written by religious people. After all, they devote themselves to God, working on themselves every day, striving for the purification of the soul, and the laity have a lot to learn from them.
Step 5
Sometimes they say that you need to start a new romance in order to forget about the breakup. But this is not entirely true. After all, without freeing yourself from the past, it is unlikely that you will be able to feel the present. When the time comes, you will love another woman. Don't be discouraged if days go by and your ex-girlfriend continues to haunt you. Everything will certainly work out.