If Your Child Is Adopted

If Your Child Is Adopted
If Your Child Is Adopted

To take a child from an orphanage into your family and then love him like your own, you need to have a "big" heart and a lot of patience. At the beginning of the journey, many questions always arise: can I love him, how will my blood children react to him, whether he will like living with us and similar questions.

If your child is adopted
If your child is adopted

To begin with, every child living in an orphanage understands that he must have a mother! He lives with this thought every day and waits impatiently for her to come. And when mom comes and picks up, he will definitely love her and obey her in everything.

New parents will love their adopted child if they constantly take care of him, spend a lot of time, and communicate. It is proved that after birth, young mothers also do not immediately begin to love their child, since many in the postpartum period are depressed and cannot feel the joy of the birth of a long-awaited baby, and love comes with time. This fact is not something wrong, as nature has laid in us.

So that your blood children are not jealous of your adopted ones, involve them also in caring for your newly-made brother or sister. So they will get used to each other faster, and the adopted child will take root more easily. You can also watch cartoons together, for example, "Mom for a Mammoth", "Mowgli", "38 Parrots" (series "Granny") and others, with the obligatory discussion of what he saw. This indirect method will be much more psychologically beneficial for children than if you asked directly. Children will not talk about themselves, but about cartoon characters. Be sure to listen to what your children are thinking and experiencing, because this is the only way you will learn their true attitude to the situation.


At first, your blood children will be interested in an adopted child, then seeing your care and attention for him, they will begin to be jealous. Here you need to very delicately, not forgetting about blood children, to devote time to a foster child. Considering that he needs your attention and affection much more, because he is still in a foreign place for him.

There may also be a problem of a negative attitude towards the adopted child on the part of relatives (aunt, uncle, grandmother and grandfather). They just don't want to admit it. In fact, they are not opposed to the personality of the child himself, but to those problems in the future that he may bring with him. For example, financial problems or deviant behavior that was passed on to him through genes. All such prejudices of relatives should be calmly endured. Over time, seeing that you are doing well, they will accept a new family member.

Only your patience, love and wisdom will help the adopted child find a family and become a member of it, and you will stop noticing that he is not blood.
