Why Are Your Partners Behaving Aggressively?

Why Are Your Partners Behaving Aggressively?
Why Are Your Partners Behaving Aggressively?

Each of us dreams of finding a "soul mate" to our liking, but it often happens that relationships do not work out, life together becomes unbearable, quarrels break out between you and your chosen one and enmity reigns. What is the reason? Do we come across bad partners? We don't know how to choose? Or are the reasons for failure in personal life rooted in ourselves?

Aggression in relationships
Aggression in relationships

Psychologists say that the causes of discomfort in relationships, first of all, are rooted in the depths of our psyche. And the attitude of the partners is only a reflection of our own problems. How do we attract "bad", aggressive partners? Take a closer look at how you behave.

Is there aggression in your behavior? Do you use foul language? Are you always convinced of your own righteousness, do not admit mistakes? Are you looking for an excuse to "rip off evil" on someone? Are you accustomed to "pushing" on people to get your way? Do you disdain petty blackmail, intimidation? Are you inclined to accuse people of far-fetched and real sins? Can you insult a person "in your hearts"? Are you accustomed to criticizing others, and in your look at the person who gave up the slack, evil irony lurks? Do you love to put everyone in their place, to feel superior? Rest assured that two types of people will invade your life: aggressors and liars.

An aggressive man with strong energy will conquer your heart and body, at first you will think that his aggressiveness is normal, and if you "behave correctly", then the aggression will not affect you. This is self-deception. Usually, the relationship between such people ends sadly: disgusting scandals, and sometimes even assault.

A weaker and less aggressive partner will not attack you with fists, but will lie at every step, start an affair behind your back, and in the end you will understand that there is an unreliable, deceitful person next to you who is ready to use you and betray you at the first opportunity.

If you want to change your life, start with yourself. Get rid of aggression. Trainings, good impressions, communication with good people, solitary walks - all this will help get rid of negativity. Fill your life with positive emotions, positive impressions. Remove from your life contacts with aggressive people, or with those who provoke you to aggression. Neither in the house nor in the environment should there be swear words - do not litter your own space.

Aggressiveness is akin to spiritual rust or mental illness, so a psychologist can help you - do not neglect the help of professionals. Analyze your own fears: where do you come from suspicion, hostility towards others? You may have to give up "small pleasures" in the form of irritating online games, Internet forums with heated discussion of provocative topics, alcohol. But, losing these "doping", you will become calmer, more confident in yourself, which means that you will be attracted to what you need: a benevolent partner with whom you will be able to create normal, not distorted by aggression, relations. Refusing dubious pleasures, you gain much more - a reliable person next to you, and most importantly - you find yourself in a new quality.
